
We were asked to stand alone and persevere unaided for a time to activate our genius expertise and wisdom. Now, Heart Magic Mentoring offers a sacred turning of the tides where our loneliness and hardship can transmute into the activated soul medicine it was destined to become.

Your embodied leadership is the catalyst for your Kindred tried to capture what is truly possible. 

The hidden parts that you require to express the fullest version of yourself are hidden in your ‘Light Shadow’. When pushing, striving, and efforting gets you half way… Allowing, surrendering, and trusting are the keys to take you all the way! Light Shadow is confronting, scary and difficult to navigate because it involves the length and breadth of our past, it is intimately intertwined with our trauma and it involves the original story that we first emerged from. Embodying our ‘never before revealed soul beauty’ requires patience, compassion, nurture and kindness! Luckily, this journey has been mine too and now my joy is to stand beside you and shine in the clarity for you to finally see and receive your own medicine and venture past the known, into the fullest expression of yourself in this world.


Trail Blazing Medicine Women have been imbued with the medicine our life path intended for us. Bringing this into a business setting can be deeply liberating and fulfilling – but it can also be triggering and overwhelming.

Our exposure to shadow inspires us to live in the light. Our inspired knowing initiates our path and we forge ahead. But we all reach a certain point of progress where shifting beyond the known can feel impossible.

It was only after sharing my heart publicly that I became seen, heard and celebrated; this allowed me to provide for my family for the last 6 years – Holistically thriving on purpose in business is absolutely heaven on earth to me. I love supporting others to take the steps to expand more into this too.

You see, Trail Blazers don’t need to be told where to go – they know what to do and how to do it… But they don’t always feel safe to take the necessary actions to bring it into reality.

We feel compelled to share our medicine and serve our kindred and help them faster and easier than the time it took us to rise from our circumstances – but our sense of worthiness can hold us back!

That’s been my story! I know the fear of exposing our vulnerable authentic self on global platforms. But the power in our truth is captivating and I assure you it attracts an eager kindred tribe who are seeking your medicine in the exact way you want to share it!

For the last 11 years I’ve devoted myself to business because I value: autonomy, freedom and creative expression. I know business can be a sanctuary for our truth. I dedicate my days to nurturing the voices and presence of medicine women like me who truly want to make a difference.

Heart Magic Mentoring is about: Publicly sharing your story, your truth and your medicine. When we share our hearts with conviction, we carve our path deeper and earn the respect of our kindred audience. But this is no time to struggle along, stay small or do it alone having the fearless companionship and truth revealing guidance from someone who believes in the value of your medicine makes all the difference! Bravely receiving support will allow you to side-step illusion, shadows and fears with gentle compassion.

1:1 Mentoring:

30mins with Lysa is a precise and potent dive into exactly where you are right now. She can help you to navigate your way to the new territory you seek quickly and effectively because she can perceive the emotional under current influencing the situation.

Lysa has the ability to sense the ‘unseen’ aspects influencing your current choices and behaviours. Bringing awareness, compassion and responsibility to these area’s will open up new power, potential and results in your life and business.

Investment: 30mins of Mentoring is NZD$222 (GST Incl.)

Alternate Currencies: AUD$210 USD$165 EURO$130


  • You can book into Lysa’s schedule online and choose what suits you best from her availability
  • You will be on time, completely honest and transparent
  • In order to access Lysa, payment is required in advance (If for any reason the mentoring time doesn’t meet your expectations you may ask for a refund – no questions asked)
  • You may email Lysa in length regarding the situation and challenge you are facing and go into detail so she is fully appraised prior to the appointment
  • You agree to tell the truth and support yourself to stay receptive and curious
  • Permit yourself to be as honest as possible about where you are feeling tense, triggered or afraid so that your transparency can open up more connection, trust and compassion right away

Lysa agree’s to:

  • Be on time, prepared (reading all of your notes via email ahead of the appointment time) and ready to listen intently to you during the mentoring time
  • Lysa holds your private information in confidentiality and privacy (Only confiding details where needed with her Husband)
  • Hold you in deep acceptance and compassion. I will support you to navigate your way forward in an aligned way that shows deep respect to your true nature
  • Provide a replay with 48 hours (No notes are provided – you may request a video or audio only replay)

Investment: 30mins of Mentoring is NZD$222 (GST Incl.)

Alternate Currencies: AUD$210 USD$165 EURO$130

For those interested in mentoring; the first step is to book a 45min Chariot Call to experience a Business Guidance and Purpose reading NZD$188 (GST Incl.)

Alternate Currencies: AUD$175 USD$120 EURO$108

  • Concentrate our efforts precisely into our kindred tribe where we are known, loved and celebrated
  • Shine light onto the specifics of our endeavours, boundaries and offers
  • Invest deep trust within ourselves & our purpose
  • Are willing to benefit from benefiting others
  • Allow ourselves to be seen, so that our tribe might find a glimpse of their own reflection in us

I want you to rise! I want you to prosper on purpose. To see the impact you make in the world amplified and celebrated, because I know what you have endured and suffered to even get here. Your faith, perseverance and wisdom has brought you this far – I want to see you go all the way!


I have tears of joy seeing how you have captured the essence of my journey Lysa. I really appreciate all your kind words and all your support and love since we’ve been working together. I’m unveiling a new version of myself, I’m really liking what I’m feeling and what I’m saying. Now that I have the ability to walk away from things that don’t sit with me, and I can express myself more comfortably there is all new joy in my life and business. There is a whole new year ahead I look forward to the growth, wisdom and shining in simply being me. Thank you so much for holding my hand and supporting me through this, I’ve never had anybody in my life like you Lysa.

Annette Hawkins

Body Talk Practitioner

Lysa’s guidance has been invaluable. I had no idea that I was moving through life accomplishing a lot in other people’s eyes, but not feeling much on the inside. Lysa was the first person who truly saw me and understood me; through her reflections I’ve come to know and understand myself and life has truly opened up! The challenges that have come from the leadership roles I have are ceaseless, but my calm resolve to meet them has enhanced my life more than I knew was possible.

Di Crawford-Errington

Managing Director, On Track Book Keeping

When someone can actually stay and hear everything your heart needs to say something unlocks and shifts inside. Lysa’s compassion and kindness was powerfully healing and life-changing for me. So showed me the magic I had that I didn’t know was there – so much transformation has come forward! I now have a business of my own sharing my medicine;  Lysa has been an absolute Angel for me.

Serena McCullough

Intuitive Guide

Lysa totally gets me; she’s completely understood the parts of myself and my life that I didn’t quite comprehend. Her ability to hear my heart and translate it back to me has been a game-changer. I’ve accessed a new level of feminine power and gentle strength that has generated exponential business growth. Having the guidance to cultivate inner emotional wealth means my business is thriving while my personal life is deeply fulfilling.

Melanie Power

Industry Leader

Lysa has supported me to navigate different seasons of change in my Life and Business; her genuine kindness and caring offered me something that I could trust. She could show me parts of myself that I couldn’t see, and always make sense of any confusion that came up. With her help, I bought out my Partners and took leadership in my business to grow a company culture based on: ‘Caring’. All without sacrificing the building of a strong financial future for myself and this business! My experience of everyday is now dramatically different thanks to her guidance.

Kate Gibson

Property Valuer