The 5 Archetypes of Effective Leadership

by 18 07 19Uncategorized

Truly change flows forward effortlessly as we integrate the shadow required to stand in our full light. For the business owners who are intent on creating a following that truly transmits change, we need to be willing to integrate our shadow in order to make our rise sustainable. Standing in the power of our true light requires that we acknowledge the parts of us that appear every similar to those display in the characters to first prompted our personal transformation. The individuals who were pivotal in our disappointment, offer us the sacred components for our full rise. The piercing pain of our shadow Teachers initiates our path, but the integration of those same aspects enables our rise. Reflect on which archetypes truly reflects your current mission, objective and style in business right now?

The Thought-Leader: Harnesses both mind and intellect to disseminate new paradigms. You love contemplating ethical and productive idea’s to revolutionize the way we solve problems. The challenges for this archetype are: Over thinking, procrastination & mental blocks. Integrate your power by transmuting the shadow aspects of powerlessness (a willingness to surrender), isolation (discerning who you can trust and rely on) and self rejection (Allow enjoyment and embodiment to ground you).

The Trail-Blazer: Utilizing courage and bravery to forge new paths. You can’t see anyone else providing the solutions needed, so you set off on a journey to figure it out for yourself. The challenges for this archetype are: Loneliness, High Expectations and a lack of mercy. Integrate your power by transmuting the shadow aspects of not-knowing (Humility), Fear of being alone (Releasing the illusion of separateness) and lack of support (Speaking up and self advocating to receive help)

The Heart-Influencers: Exude love and compassion to lead. You recognize that true change only comes from Leaders with integrity who can demonstrate authentic modelling to lead others. The challenge for this archetype is about:  Over-Thinking and being susceptible to other people’s perspectives. Integrate your power by transmuting the shadow aspects of ‘Caring too much about what others think’ and becoming ‘Self-Authorized’

The Movement Catalysts: Champion activism and initiatives that move communities to new behaviors. If anything is going to happen, one must be willing to lead others into action in order for true change to be possible. The challenges for this archetype are: ignorance and condescension. Integrate your power by transmuting the shadow aspects of ‘arrogance’ to lead by higher guidance.

The Wise Oracle: Radiates wisdom and purity. If people only had the correct and supportive information they needed, they could ease their way into new choices and a higher quality of life and joy. The challenge for this archetype is integrity and authenticity – can they live up to the quality of choices to match their knowing? Integrate your power by transmuting the shadow aspects of ’Know-it-all’ to create a life that exists in harmony with your ideals.

My Current Business Leadership Archetype:

The Individual who reflects the shadow I now need to integrate:

What do I stand to gain by accepting this part of me?